Voting is a right granted to many U.S. Citizens. However, it is not a right we've always had; in many cases, it's a right that someone fought for on our behalf. This makes voting not only our right but also our privilege, as many of those fights came at a significant cost. If you are 18 years old or older (before election day), meet your state's residency requirements, have registered as a voter in your state, and do not have a felony record - you have this right and privilege.
You also have a responsibility to use it wisely. Voting isn't a game, nor should it be a popularity contest. It's about who can do what is right or best for their office/branch of government. It's also important to consider who will work well with others without being manipulated.
Becoming an informed voter is one of the best ways to execute your responsibility as a voting citizen. Know the offices affected by the upcoming elections and know the candidates. More than picking out their faces in the crowd, you want to know what they believe in, what type of experience they have, and where their passion for the sought position comes from. One of the most effective ways to get the answers you need to make an educated and informed decision is to ask questions. About Marketing Inc. & About Conyers Magazine has done a lot of this for you.
Visit your Board of Elections website to find a sample ballot and list of candidates. This will tell you not only who is running but also what specific office they are running for. Additionally, it will tell you who currently holds the position (the incumbent). You can see the Rockdale County Information by clicking the link below.
Many local candidates create publications, run ads, or publish websites giving you background information. Several of this election's candidates appear in the latest About Conyers Magazine issues. However, we also invited each candidate to answer a list of questions specific to the office they are seeking. Though not every candidate chose to participate, we think you will find the answers of those who did very helpful as they explain what makes them the best candidate for the job.
Chairman Candidates Responses Featured:
Oz Nesbitt (Incumbent)
James Sendelbach
JaNice Van Ness
Commission Post 1 Candidates Responses Featured:
Fran Wright
Yul Anderson
Renee Simpson
Tuwayna Smith
Superior Court Judge Candidates Responses Featured:
Maureen Wood
Clarence Cuthpert Jr
Maureen Wood:
1. Managing the caseload to ensure efficiency and timely delivery of justice. Justice requires that our legal matters are heard in a timely manner. It is the Judge’s responsibility to move cases efficiently through the system. That requires experience, organizational skills, and strong work ethic. The serious nature of Superior Court cases creates a sense of urgency for the litigant. Citizens should be able to expect a timely resolution of their case. It is imperative that the Judge have a clear plan for the timely and efficient resolution of each matter. The Judge should be approachable. An approachable judge is willing to hold pre-trial conferences with attorneys. Through the implementation of pre-trial conferences, trial issues are often narrowed, which results in less time in court and more cases settled outside of court. The judge should be willing to embrace alternate dispute resolution and technology. Mediation, Arbitration, and videoconferencing promote caseload efficiency. Finally, the judge should have a strong work ethic. The judge's work ethic, or lack thereof, will impact case efficiency. Because I hear all felony and abuse and neglect cases concerning children, the law requires that my cases be heard on an expedited timeframe. Serving as the only juvenile court judge in a growing county, I hold court four days each week. I have a strong work ethic and two terms of experience hearing and disposing of cases quickly and judiciously. Therefore, this is a challenge that I am ready to meet on day one.
2. As a judge, you are expected to operate with a high level of poise and decorum. The judge’s judicial temperament is critical. A judge’s behavior/ demeanor on the bench can cause the public to lose respect or trust in our judicial system. The Superior Court Judge routinely makes life-altering decisions. Felony cases are punishable by incarceration for a year or more. The most serious felony cases the Superior Court Judge hears can result in a life or death sentence. The Superior Court Judge is also the ultimate decision-maker in all child custody and visitation matters. The decisions made in those family law cases will shape the child's future and set parameters for the parent's contact and relationship with their children. The Juvenile Court Judge is the only other judge who has to make these same kinds of life-altering decisions (felony cases, child custody and visitation decisions, termination of parental rights). I have a reputation as a judge who makes thoughtful and balanced decisions. My decisions have never been reversed in the seven years and seven months that I have been serving as a judge.
3. Maintaining quality programs to ensure equal justice for all. As a judge, you are the leader and have the discretion to start and stop all court programming. As a judge, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you and your staff are trained and implementing best practices for the benefit of the community that you serve. Access to justice requires that our next Superior Court judge is ready to meet the demands and needs of our growing population. The judge should ensure adequate systems and processes to guarantee that individuals who are self-represented, whose native language is not English, or who have disabilities receive reasonable accommodations. Every citizen is entitled to equal justice under the law. During my two terms as a judge, I served as a Supreme Court of Georgia Access to Justice committee member. In that role, I have helped create policies and drive statewide initiatives to address this issue.
Clarence Cuthpert Junior:
Addressing the issues on my platform, I have developed comprehensive solutions to ensure our community remains safe, to enhance trust and access to our judicial system, and to guarantee fair and equitable treatment for all who come before the court.
Firstly, on the matter of community safety, I recognize the primary role of law enforcement in patrolling our streets and maintaining public safety. However, the judiciary also plays a crucial role in this ecosystem. My approach emphasizes the balance between rehabilitation and accountability. For individuals whose offenses are driven by addiction or mental health issues, I advocate for the use of accountability courts and pretrial diversion programs, which focus on addressing the root causes of their behavior. Yet, it is imperative to have a clear stance on those with extensive criminal histories or who commit heinous crimes. Such individuals, especially after multiple opportunities for reform, must face more vital consequences, including incarceration, to protect the well-being of Rockdale County's citizens.
As a Judicial Council Standing Committee on Access to Justice member, I am committed to improving public trust in our judicial branch. This commitment ensures meaningful and effective access to courts and fairness for all. My solution here is straightforward: As a Superior Court Judge, I will ensure every individual appearing before me has the opportunity to be heard. This approach respects each person's dignity and enhances our judicial processes' perceived and actual fairness.
Lastly, while it's beyond my power or any judge to guarantee outcomes that align with every party's desires, I pledge that my decisions will always be grounded in justice, fairness, and adherence to the law. My commitment is to deliver rulings that reflect a deep consideration of the facts, the law, and the impact on the community and the individuals involved.
In summary, my solutions focus on balancing accountability and rehabilitation, ensuring access and fairness in the judicial process, and committing to decisions that uphold the principles of justice and legality. These approaches form the foundation of my platform and my vision for serving as Superior Court Judge of Rockdale County.
Sheriff Candidates Responses Featured:
Corey Hambrick
Ron Muckle
Corey Hambrick:
My plans for improving the overall safety of Rockdale residents include hiring and retaining the most qualified deputies with a passion for protecting and serving members of this community and providing the necessary training and resources for the deputies to aid in their career development. We will also purchase and deploy the latest technology that assists digitally in combating crime, keeping Rockdale County ahead of the curve, and partnering with mental health professionals to enhance our response options to benefit a growing population. Effective youth programming should be established to mentor our brightest minds, guiding them to a civic appreciation for integrity, legality, peaceability, and community.
Ron Muckle:
As the Rockdale County Sheriff, my foremost commitment is to ensure the safety and well-being of every resident. Here are my specific plans to make our community a safer place.
Enhanced Officer Resources: I will prioritize recruiting new officers and providing our dedicated men and women in the Sheriff’s office with the necessary resources to perform their duties safely, effectively, and efficiently.
Increased Patrol Presence: We will bolster our presence and deter criminal activity by deploying more officers on the streets, including superior officers in uniform and marked vehicles.
Utilization of Drones: Introducing drone technology will significantly enhance our capabilities in monitoring and responding to incidents swiftly across the county. Drones offer a faster and more comprehensive surveillance solution than traditional patrol methods.
FLOCK Camera Implementation: With the support of residents and county commissioners, I will implement FLOCK cameras throughout the county. Strategically placed on highways and other key locations, these cameras will provide invaluable surveillance data to aid law enforcement in crime prevention and investigation.
Community Engagement and Accountability: We will prioritize community engagement. I and the senior ranks will attend and record all community meetings if invited to understand residents' concerns and develop actionable plans to address them. Officers will be encouraged to engage with residents regularly, fostering trust and cooperation.
Curfew Enforcement: To ensure our youth's safety, we will rigorously enforce curfew regulations. By keeping teenagers off the streets during designated hours, we aim to reduce incidents of juvenile-related crime and keep our neighborhoods secure.
Enforcement of Marijuana Laws: While some states have legalized marijuana, we will enforce the law in Rockdale County. I will work closely with the District Attorney to explore options such as issuing citations for possessing small amounts and ensuring compliance with legal regulations.
I will address Human Trafficking by bringing in all the resources available to mankind to stop it.
Through these initiatives, we will create a safer environment for all Rockdale County residents, prioritizing proactive measures, community involvement, and accountability in law enforcement.
BOE Candidates Responses Featured:
Larry Cox - Post 1
Justin Kenney - Post 3
Akita Parmer - Post 5
Tene Davis - Post 5
District 13 Candidates Responses Featured:
Marcus Flowers
Larry Cox - Post 1:
Before anything else can be accomplished, we must first replace the Superintendent with someone who is willing to work with the Board and the Community. Then and only then can we change the direction of the school system.
Justin Kenney - Post 3:
To improve the overall school environment, we must start at the administrative level. We cannot adapt practices based on politics or popularity; they must be based on the best educational principles and effective educational support. We cannot outsource support positions at the school level before trimming the staff budget at the administrative level. It is absolutely necessary that the performance and implementation of the administrators and the administrative processes be consistent. This consistency includes supporting our teachers, creating stable work environments, fostering student-teacher learning relationships, and prioritizing the education of all students, not specific student groups.
Akita Parmer - Post 5:
In Rockdale County Public Schools district, we have implemented many improvements that have resulted in improvements to our school environment and have resulted in improvements in learning, achievement, and growth. Such improvements include the acquisition of innovative personnel solutions such as Elevate K12, which acquires highly credentialed and qualified teachers who teach virtually to students in designated subject areas/courses, our partnership with Intalage, which is a personnel provider of highly credentialed and qualified international teachers to teach in critical subject areas such as advanced math and science, and our provision to all students of which affords students 24/7 on-demand tutorial support by a remote highly qualified tutor. As a district we must continue to identify and implement innovative ways to teach our students that ensure academic success for all students.
Tene Davis - Post 5:
In order to see the improvements that will take us to a place of educational excellence, we have to attend to the culture of the district. How do staff, students, and parents feel about and experience RCPS? Is there trust, engagement, and cooperation? I don't believe these key factors exist on a large enough scale within RCPS hence the need for an improvement within the overall school environment. As the environment begins to improve, there will be a corresponding improvement in the learning of our students. Parents will trust the district and school personnel with their children's education. With this trust, district and school personnel will engage parents within the educational process, and across the district, we will witness true and effective levels of cooperation from all involved. Once this happens, learning outcomes improve. Students need all involved trusting each other, engaged, and cooperating before they can witness the kind of learning improvement they so deserve.
Marcus Flowers:
My plan is simple and old-fashioned: meet the people where they are. I will not be an absentee representative. I will hold regular town halls in the community, attend events where the people are, and give just as much attention to the rural parts of the district as the urban parts.
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Hear what the candidates have to say for themselves. Click the link to read their Q & A.