About Marketing Inc. is committed to the small business community.
Our "Save Small Biz" initiative is about more than a Saturday of shopping; it is about investing in our neighborhoods and the local community. Save Small Biz is excited to bring business owners and consumers together to boost the local economy, increase local spending, create opportunity, and energize our community.
The Pandemic Health Crisis was one of Global Impact. Nationally, no American home escaped its effects, experiencing significant changes in both work and home life. These changes created a shift in our habits - including the way we shop. Big Digital brought speed and convenience into our home, making way for the crisis in our community and striking especially hard among locally owned and operated businesses.
Lorraine Harrison has spent most of her adult life as an entrepreneur or business owner, making her passion for the success of small businesses no surprise. After experiencing the pandemic effects on her business and realizing how her own habits might affect the businesses of her community, the #SaveSmallBiz initiative was born. Not only is she invested in her community, but she is also committed to helping others embrace the opportunities in their communities as well.
The Save Small Biz initiative has something for everyone. Both business owners and consumers benefit from the relationships built among community members.
Our initiative is more than a pledge; we partner with community business owners and residents to facilitate continued economic progress among locally owned and operated organizations. Having these businesses in our neighborhoods is not enough - we have to help them succeed.
Every dollar spent locally makes an impact. Every small business makes an impact. Together, we can positively impact our communities.
Connect and support local businesses - we're in this together.
It's an investment in the future - your neighborhood - your future.
The About Marketing Inc. family would like to say a huge thank you to the fantastic #SaveSmallBiz sponsors. We are honored and excited to work alongside you and our communities.
We are so grateful for the support and investment of our sponsors.
Truly, your business and your dedication make ours a one-of-a-kind community.
We appreciate your interest in the #savesmallbiz initiative.
We look forward to continually growing relationships within our communities and further developing the #savesmallbiz initiative.
We aim to bring local businesses and community members together to better serve our local economy.
It's not too late - take the initiative to be a part of the initiative.
Lorraine Harrison, About Marketing CEO, has a passion for small businesses and the local business community.
The Save Small Biz Initiative not only creates connections but also opportunities for companies and consumers to come together. Involvement and Engagement are the key to building a better business community.
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